Military Collector Services
Since 2013
We Buy and Sell Antique Military Collectibles and Memorabilia
Military Collectors Services is a Veteran owned and operated, small business based in Southwest Missouri. After collecting military memorabilia for over 40 years I started this business to better share my passion for these oft forgotten pieces of history with fellow enthusiasts and collectors. We look forward to working with you in finding new homes for items and collections. Over the last six years we have traveled thousands of miles and helped scores of individuals find new homes for their military items while providing them with much needed cash and the added assurance of knowing that their items are being passed to others who will treasure them.
We look forward to working with you and discussing the sale of your war relics. We specialize in items from the 20th Century specifically World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam.

Our Services
We Are Located in Webb City, MO | Serving the Four States Area and Beyond
*Note to Collectors: Deciding on when is the right time to sell your collection is both a personal and difficult decision. There is “no one size fits all answer”. Leaving your collection to members of your family without detailed instructions is a bad idea. Few will have the knowledge or interest to make good decisions. There is no one size fits all answer. Perhaps it is best to start selling things that you no longer want or are not part of your core collection. Once you have decided it is time to part with some things call us and we will be happy to provide you our best advise on how to proceed.
We Are Located in Webb City, MO | Serving the Four States Area and Beyond
*Note to Collectors: Deciding on when is the right time to sell your collection is both a personal and difficult decision. There is “no one size fits all answer”. Leaving your collection to members of your family without detailed instructions is a bad idea. Few will have the knowledge or interest to make good decisions. There is no one size fits all answer. Perhaps it is best to start selling things that you no longer want or are not part of your core collection. Once you have decided it is time to part with some things call us and we will be happy to provide you our best advise on how to proceed.
Vintage Collectibles
We are working on creating an Internet Sales Site where you will be able to buy our items. Currently we market our items on E-bay, various militaria forums, Military Shows and at our brick and mortar shop.
We have over 900 items for sale. Click here to visit us on Ebay!
Memorabilia Buyer
We believe in maintaining history and proudly purchase military collectibles.
About Us
We are conveniently located in downtown Webb City, MO. Stop by our shop and take a look at our collection.
Photo Gallery
Take a look at example of things that we have purchased in the past.
A Changing Market
The market for military items today is dynamic and continues to change. The drivers of this change include the impact of the Internet on the military collecting hobby. As the WWII Veterans passed collectors became more dependent on dealers and shows. Many of the old time dealers have passed and there are fewer shows. The interest in many of these things have passed from the U.S. market to an international market and the widespread proliferation of high quality reproductions designed to deceive the unsuspecting collector.
In 2008 the military collectible market fell dramatically, like many other investments. Todays market has seen an overall recovery but many items are still below their 2008 high. Do not wait for the next financial jolt to lessen the value of your items call today.
A Changing Market
The market for military items today is dynamic and continues to change. The drivers of this change include the impact of the Internet on the military collecting hobby. As the WWII Veterans passed collectors became more dependent on dealers and shows. Many of the old time dealers have passed and there are fewer shows. The interest in many of these things have passed from the U.S. market to an international market and the widespread proliferation of high quality reproductions designed to deceive the unsuspecting collector.
In 2008 the military collectible market fell dramatically, like many other investments. Todays market has seen an overall recovery but many items are still below their 2008 high. Do not wait for the next financial jolt to lessen the value of your items call today.
Strange Inheritance
We assist the heirs of military veterans who are unsure of how to pass their items onto the next generation. Over the last several years we have purchased items from private homes, storage units and even barns and outbuildings. One example we recently helped an elderly lady in the Dallas Texas area. Her husband had died over 15 years ago and passed on his collection of U.S. and Geman Headgear, Pins and Patches to her with no instruction of what to do with it. She had been forced to downsize and the collection ended up in a storage unit. After several years the cost of the unit cobined with her declining health created a burden on her. She contacted us and we arranged a meeting. We then went over the items with her in detail and made her a generous cash offer for all of these items. She was elated with the price and was relieved that the collection was going to a new home. So if you are someone who has been left a Strange Inheritance we are willing to help.
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Store Hours
M-T: By Appointment Only
W-Sat: 10am - 5pm
Sun: Closed